Accident damage electric vehicle recovery
"The explosion in UK EV sales is about to change the face of the vehicle rescue & recovery industry!" This is due to the high risk of fire & or explosion following a road traffic collision involving EV's.
In the meantime AAA EV COOL TUBS have developed a safer solution to transport and quarantine damaged EV's that are at high risk of thermal runaway following a road traffic collision. The EV CooL Tub is designed by vehicle recovery operators primarily for the vehicle recovery industry. That said the Cool Tub will have many uses at large vehicle car parks, airports & ports, EV body and mechanical repair centres and garages, motorway service areas etc the list is endless. The Tub is designed to be quickly loaded and operated from the back of most standard UK/European slide bed recovery trucks. The Tub is also compatible with Hook Loader / Prime Mover vehicles. The tub can also easily be moved around car parking areas with a fork-lift truck if required. The tub is manufactured with heavy duty fork-lift pockets. The innovative insulated, adjustable wheel rollers make the tub a dream to manoeuvre whilst also retaining the natural braking capability of the tub whilst it is on the ground. Crane lifting eyes are fitted to allow the tub to be lifted by a crane. The heavy duty watertight loading ramp is capable of withstanding a fork lift or Eastract/ Towtrack machine.The ramp is raised & lowered in seconds by a heavy duty high quality Pfaff winch.
Casualty vehicles can be loaded by means of the recovery vehicle bed winch via the watertight service hatch or by means of the 16500kg 24v Nova winch mounted on the tub bulkhead.
Good practice would be to cover the casualty vehicle with an EV Fire blanket whilst loading.
UK Fire standard hose couplings allow the Fire & Rescue service in extreme emergency situations to instantly couple a water hose to operate the spray bar system and or the fill pipe system.
Contaminated water disposal is dealt with under the Fire & Rescue Services protocol in the same way as any other daily roadside vehicle fire in an emergency situation.
The tub is not designed nor is it envisaged to travel with water in it. Dependant on the severity of the emergency incident and degree of thermal runaway around 750 millimetre depth of water would be required to cover the L-ion battery to cool it, slowing down thermal runaway.